Zucchini recipe

 This recipe is one from my ex sister in law.  My mama always said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.  She could make good zucchini bread and I have 3 nieces.  Nuff said.

2 c. grated unpeeled zucchini

1 c. oil

2 c. sugar

3 beaten eggs

1 t. vanilla

3 c. flour

1 t. baking soda

1 t. salt

1/2 t. baking powder 

1 t. cinnamon

1 c. nuts

Mix sugar,eggs, oil, and vanilla.  Mix together with the dry ingredients that have been mixed together.  Put into 2 greased and floured bread pans and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

If you have one of the little pans like I used, half the recipe fills those eight spots.   I baked that pan for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

And if you were smart enough to grate and freeze zucchini last summer you have it made.  I had to dig through 3 freezers til I found my one remaining package and it was marked 2018.  I didn't freeze any grated zucchini last summer.  Mine is all in chunks for soup now.


  1. Congratulations on your first blog post!! It looks great. All those little breads in that basket look so fun...nice to have the small size to freeze and retrieve when you want or need one. Everything looks so cozy and that table Allen made is gorgeous. I will give this recipe a try as I have lots of zucchini still. And yes, three lovely nieces much loved by both their parents. Zucchini week has been a winner.

  2. Welcome to blogville!!! Great job on your first post EVAH!!
    This looks really good. Love a good cake bread!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Welcome to our group! So excited that you got your blog up and going! Your bread looks wonderful! Blogging will get easier I promise!

  5. Wow, your first blogpost is online. Such an interesting recipe.

    Welcome to GFGF

  6. Ellen, welcome to our group. I love zucchini bread and don’t have a favorite recipe. This looks like a great one!


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